Top Ten Luxury
The Moai Statues, Easter Island

On the most isolated inhabited island on earth, the majestic moai statues are shrouded in Stone Henge-like lore - Atlantis, UFOs, vanishing advanced ancient races. Scholars dampen the fun, tracing probability back to Polynesians around 400AD. Peruvians get a look in for the sheer technical skill involved in mounting the 1000 plus carvings that formed an unbroken line around the triangle-shaped island. In single-minded carving competition for centuries, the inhabiting clans were less skilful about protecting the environment. Deforesting through using logs to roll the statues around the island, the Rapa Nui all but cancelled themselves out.

Luxury Loves
Explora Rapa Nui Hotel. Applaud the centuries-on awareness of their sustainability program which involves a commitment to both nature and people – certainly more than the Rapa Nui managed.
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The Moai Statues, Easter Island
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